Commercial and documentary observational photography. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out the links below or head along to my commercial site.
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Queen of the Whole Universe Pageant @ Te Papa
1 - The Te Papa extravaganza finished itself off with something along the lines of a drag queen beauty pageant. I have no particular aspirations towards drag queen photography, so I've used this series for experimentation...
2 - The textured effect comes courtesy of layering between 2 to 5 exposures on top of each other. In this case, we have the underlying photo, then the first texture layer is a marbled effect borrowed from a conveniently printed curtain, and the second texture layer is borrowed off one of the ceramic pots sitting on my parents' deck (note the cobwebs). The exposures are layered in photoshop, and after a bit of masking and messing about, out comes the result.
3 - Other texture effects include ice...
4 - ...cracked concrete, and a chunk of rusty fishing boat.
I'm still figuring out this technique (these ones seem a bit overdone), after wondering about how to do it for the past couple of years (check out examples here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and a particularly good gallery here). It wasn't until I stumbled across this short explanation on dpreview that I realised how easy it is to do.
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